two diggers reading a newspaper. sketch by S. T. Gill.

Ballarat’s queer history: two recent projects

Two queer history projects presented as part of Ballarat Heritage weekend: a visual display on the theme of “We Have Always Been Here”, and a walking tour around central Ballarat covering the town’s queer past during the gold rush era.

research tools and resources for independent scholars

Autodidacts Anonymous

My name is Alex, and I’m an autodidact. (“Hi, Alex!”) I spent the summer break setting goals for my side-project(s), as I think of this work I’m doing: the writing, the educating, the community building, and whatever comes along with it. It turns out that if you want to write the sort of things I…


Here I am.

The only thing more boring than blogging about how you haven’t blogged lately is blogging about how boring it is. And yet here I am. I’ve had a rough few years. Very rough. Finally, in the back half of 2018, it started to turn around. Without the oppressive weight of anxiety and depression I managed…